Monday, May 11, 2015


Well above 10K feet to connect to WIFI, we are en route to LA.  Spirits are great with our group and all are anticipating arriving in Guatemala City in the morning.  I always like to begin by asking why do we go here each year?  Unlike other Church-sponsored "mission trips", we do not go to build a house, provide much needed medical care, install water purification systems, or even teach classes in economics, parenting, even religion; we go to experience our sisters and brothers in the faith where they are; to learn and be ministered to by them. To see that the Church is truly CATHOLIC-universal in belief, and for the most part the expression of our faith as we enter into the liturgy. To experience the ancient call of Christ to "go and make disciples of all nations", we enter communion with the disciples already made. I look forward to sharing with you our group and their own reflections on a daily basis.   I also hope you may respond in kind with any replies  but more importantly with your prayers.  Paz!

Fr Val


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